"Voy a Cantar Con Los Ángeles"
Referencias bíblicas: Isaías 54:17; Apocalipsis 7:11; Apocalipsis 5:9,11; Job 38:7; Lucas 2:13-14; Efesios 5:19; Salmos 47:1; 1 Timoteo 2:8; 2 Crónicas 5:13; 1 Corintios 14:40; Salmos 149:3; Salmos 150:4; Éxodo 15:20; Josué 5:13 - 6:27; Hebreos 11:30; 1 Corintios 9:24-25; 1 Teseonicenses 2:19; Filipenses 4:4; 2 Timoteo 4:8; 1 Pedro 5:4; Apocalipsis 2:10; Santiago 1:2
Pastor Steven Alan Wylie
(c) 2024 Steven A Wylie All Rights Reserved Worldwide
CCLI #7244141
Default Key: A
Tempo: 136
Time Signature: 4/4
Length: 3:03
All of our Original Praise and Worships songs are available on SongSelect and are licensed for use by Churches Worldwide with CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International) and ASCAP (American Society of Composer and Publishers).
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• the teaching/appearance of Gold Dust or Angel’s Feathers in Church meetings,
• the false doctrine of “grave sucking” or gaining spiritual power by sleeping on top of the graves of dead people,
• the use of spirit tour guides, astral projections or other “strange fire” doctrines, or
• the beliefs, ideologies and heresies presented by many well-known mega “churches” and musical groups.
ALL of our Christian Praise and Worship Song Library is available on CCLI's Song Select in English and Spanish.
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Spotify: Search for “Jonni Believer”
Amazon Music: Search for “Jonni Believer”
Hardcopy Books on Amazon and Kindle: Search for “Dr. Steven A Wylie”
(Who We Are): New Harvest Revival Center
(The Church is located in): Stockton, California
(Call us): Whatsapp +1-209-298-1519
(Visit our Web Site): https://www.NewHarvestRevivalCenter.org